
  • 一年级
  • 2024-09-01



on 理由如下:
at, in, on, 在表示时间上的区别
1. at指时间表示:
They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).
He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night).
2. in指时间表示:
in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc
He will arrive in two hours.
These products will be produced in a month.
He will arrive after two o’clock.
3. on指时间表示:
On Christmas Day(On May 4th), there will be a celebration.
He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th.


两者均可与一段时间连用,表示“在…之后”,但 after 表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,因此通常与过去时连用;而 in 则表示从现在算起的一段时间以后,因此通常用于将来时或含有将来意义的句子。如:
He came back after three days. 3天后他回来了。
I’ll come back in three days. 我3天后回来。
I think he can come back in three days. 我想他3天后可以回来。
after 除与时间段连用外,还可与时间点连用,此时则可用于将来时(但是in不能与时间点连用):
He will arrive after five o’clock. 他 5 点钟以后到。
after school 放学后 after class 下课后
after the meeting 散会后 after liberation 解放后


to 是连接“到、去”地点的。 to Beijing 表示“去北京”
for是“为了...”“为” pass the pen for me please。“为我、帮我”把笔递过来
of 连接两个名次。friend of mine 我“的”朋友
in “在...里面”, in beijing 是指(人)当时在北京。
at “在”(时间,地点)at home在家, meet you at 5pm,和你在下午5点见。
on “在...上面” on the top在上面。on the way home在回家的路上
the 除了特定短语,你加the和不加也没那么重要。the 指“特定的对象”, the girl 那个女孩,指你所特定指的那个女孩。 the movie指你看的特定的那部,不是其他的电影


1)in+段时间。例如:in five years五年之后,五年之内
用于一般将来时态,如:I'll be a teacher in five years.五年之内(后)我就要当老师了。
2)段时间+later。例如:three days later三天之后
用于过去时态,表示过去某一时间点之后的一段时间。如:He came here on February 6,2012.And three days laterhe went to Shanghai.他二月六日到这儿来的,三天之后(即10日)又去了上海。
He will go to Shanghai after two o'clock .他将于两点后去上海。
He went to Shanghai after two o'clock.他两点后去了上海。


in+时间   有两成意思
1. 在多少时间内 【用于过去时态】如:
He finished his homework in half an hour yesterday.
2. 在多少时间后  【用于将来时态】如:
His father will come back in an hour.
for+时间    ....多少时间 【可用于各种时态】如:
    He will stay there for a week
   I have learnt English for five years.
   Jack stayed in China for three years.

