
  • 六年级
  • 2024-08-28

六年级下册英语第一单元试卷?一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )( )1、A. short B. stronger C. heavier D. smaller ( )2、A.shorter B. olderC.stronger D.younger ( )3、那么,六年级下册英语第一单元试卷?一起来了解一下吧。




I、Read and find(找出不同类的单词)10%

( ) 1.A.actorB.father C.teacher D. cleaner

( ) 2 A.cloud B. rain C.sun D. seed

( ) 3 A.classroom B. bookstore C. superman D. shoe store

( )4 A.bus B.footC.planeD. subway

( ) 5 A.east B. westC.straightD. south

II、listen and choose.(选择正确答案,将序号填在括号内)10%

( ) 1. ________ at a green light.


( ) 2.When are you going?

A. I’m going on foot. B. I’m goingat 7:30.C. I’m going to school.

( ) 3.Does she watch TV at night?

A. Yes, shedo.B.Yes, she does. C. No, hedoesn’t.

( ) 4. Mary’s uncle is _____ doctor, her aunt is ______ artist.

A. a , an,B.a,a Can,a

( )5.Where does the rain come from?

A. It comes from theclouds.B.It comes from the vapour.

C. It comes from the water in the river.

III、Read and number (读句子,标序号)10%

() Add wateroften.

() Put the pot under the sun.

() Plant the seeds in thesoil.

() Wait for a flower to grow.

() Wait for a sprout.

VI、Read and write(阅读文章,并回答问题)15%

Look at my pen pal’s album. This is Lily, my pen pal. She livesin New Zealand(新西兰).It ’s next to Australia(澳大利亚).She is a quietgirl. She likes playing the violin and drawing comic pictures. Shewants to be an artist in the future. She goes to school on foot.She has a brother. His name is Jill. He is only five. He likesriding his small bike in the garden and playing with his toy cars.Her father is a baseball player. Her mother is an accountant. Sheworks in a bank. They both go to work by car. They are veryhappy.

1、Where is New Zealand?()

A. It’s next toAmerica.B. It’s next to Australia. C.It’s next to China.

2、What’s Lily’shobby? ( )

A. She likes playing the violin and drawing comic pictures.

B. She likes riding his small bike in the garden and playingwith his toy cars.

C. She likes drawing comic pictures and riding a bike.

3、What does her father do? ()

A. He’s a baseball player B.He’s a football player C. He’s a policeman

4、How does her father go to work? ()

A. On foot.B.By bus. C.By car.

5、Does Jill like riding his small bike in thegarden?()

A.Yes, hedoes. B. No, hedoesn’tC. Yes, she does.

6、What does Lily want to be in the future? ( )

A. An actress.B.Anartist.C.A singer

7 、What do you want to be in the future? Why?

I want tobe .Because.


一、写一写:请按照字母表的顺序默写L---Z 大小写形式。



Class(班级)— Name(姓名)—

时间:30分钟 满分:100分


1. Don’t throw stones at the dog.

2. Let’s go to the library. I want to read science stories.

3. The family usually has breakfast at 7 o’clock.

4. People get together on Mid-Autumn Festival.

5. Chang’e flew to the moon with her rabbit.

二. 连线,将单词和其对应的图片连起来。(3’×5)

1. swing

2. bench


4.swimming pool


三. 单项选择(3’×10)

1. Look,the old man is ________

A.sleep B. sleeping C. to sleep

2. The children are playing ________ the park.

A.in B. on C. at

3.Katie always ________ up early.

A. get B. gets C.got

4. ________ weekdays, Katie always gets up at six o’clock.

A. on B. at C. in

5.-Let’s go to the ________.

-I want to buy some milk.

A. restaurant B. hospital C.supermarket

6.She wanted ________ to the moon.

A.to fly B. flying C.fly

7.There is ________old man in the park.

A. a B. an C. two

8. We ________to the Underwater World last week.

A. went B.go C. goes

9. Mingming is throwing stones________ the dog.

A. to B. on C.at

10.I miss you. I feel so________.

A. happy B.lonely C.angry


1. go, the, to, let’s, park

2. the, is, angry, very,dog


3. always, Katie ,up ,gets, early


4. sitting, an, man, is, old, a, on, bench


5. the, it’s, festival, Mid-Autumn



1. Long long ago, a beautiful girl Chang’e wanted to fly to the moon.


2.The children are playing in the park.

3.Don’t throw stones at the dog.


4.I usually get up at six o’clock.



I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内.( 10 分 )

( )1、A. shortB. strongerC. heavierD. smaller

( )2、A.shorterB. olderC.stronger D.younger

( )3、A. biggerB. heavierC.longerD. thinner

( )4、A.squidB.shark C.deepD. seal

( )5、A. ton B.meter C.sizeD.kg


( ) 1. painbaby ( ) 2. tailpine () 3. bike dive

( ) 4. pointtoy ( ) 5.daytoy


( )1. A. My brother is 160 cm tall.

B. My brother is 170 cm tall.

( )2. A. My schoolbag is 50 kg.

B. My schoolbag is 15 kg.

( )3. A. His tail is longer.

B. His head is smaller.

( )4. A. I'm three years older than you.

B. I'm three years younger than you.

( )5. A. Sperm Whale can dive into the deep cold water.

B. Killer Whale can jump out of water.




(满分100分 90分钟完卷 1分书写分)


1 . I aplese cola want

2. liyan is in class5grade6二、词组互译:英语翻译成汉语,汉语翻译成英语 20%

1.very well___________6.在六(2)班 _____________

2.hereyou are____________ 7.朝......看_____________


4.mydeskmate ____________ 9.我的孪生妹妹___________

5.listentoasong___________ 10.一辆新车 ________________ 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号写入题前括号 16%

( )1.What'sthis ? _______panda.

A.Is B.It'sC.It'sa

( )2.Isthis____car? Yes,it's____car.

A.you ,myB.your,meC.your,my

( )3.Look__thepicture.

A.at B.ofC.in

( )4.Tom___anewruler.


( )5.Where___yourmother?


( )6.What's____overthere?


( )7.Isthisaduck?___,itisn't.


( )8.You____welcome.



1.boys good girlsandmorning ____________________________________

2.isinthiswhatEnglish _____________________________________

3.Iusemaypenyour _____________________________________

4.thattooduckais ______________________________________







3.Howareyou ?I'm fine. (用另一个句子同意表达划线部分)

Howareyou ?____________

4.Howdoyoudo ? (写出答句)_________________________


6.Gladtoseeyouagain. (写出上句) _______________________________________




1.Gladto______ ____________again.(很高兴再见到你的爸爸。

以上就是六年级下册英语第一单元试卷的全部内容,十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。(B)1. A. bag B. bed C. book(B)2. A. cap B. cat C. car(A)3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge(C)4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand(C)5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher十二. 每小题A、B、。
